What a spectacular day! Not in a Valentine's sort of way but in a general good day sort of way. Even though my super romantic Valentine's day plan failed at checkpoint 1 I moved on and enjoyed the city.
I do like the idea of Valentine's day, even as a single male, it gives me something to aspire to for the future. I sat for ages a few weeks back thinking about all the ways I could surprise someone on Vday. First thought was to appear on the front door and serenade, then there was random notes throughout the day, then maybe some more quirky things like dressing up as a delivery boy with a heart shaped haloumi pizza.But then I decided on a plan that was designed with fail points at pretty much every avenue, even the very initiation of the plan, which meant that it never really even started. You may say it's a terrible plan, and I'd actually agree, but this girl is so amazing that I can't think straight around her (and by around her I also mean in my head, so you see she renders me incapable of rational thought by the very idea of her) so as plans go for her this is above average.
Perhaps it's not too late to make her my Valentine, when it comes down to it does the date really matter? Isn't the emotion and heart behind it what makes the day special. I reckon I could raise everyday to the standard of Valentine's days, and then raise the 14th of Feb to something absolutely spectacular. I've been blessed with a romantic mind, I just need her to use it on!
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