Saturday, January 29, 2011

Favourites of facebook. 0

Look alive sunshine, planning for a new segment is underway. "Favourites of facebook" is a collection of my favourite photos from everyone's favourite social networking site. Seeing as I already spend way too much time on Facebook, I may as well turn it into something semi-productive. If I'm being harsh on myself, it's really just giving me justification to stalk all my Facebook contacts and not feel guilty. 

Part 1 should be up within a few days possibly featuring you as the star.

Friday, January 28, 2011

A challenge 2.

For this coming week, your challenge is to write a thank you card. It's really simple, but can totally change someone's day. An unexpected thank you card is always a pleasant surprise, and the benefits you feel are great too. 

Think about all the things you're grateful for, you'll find that you've got it alot better than you think. You could write one to your parents thanking them for doing your laundry, to your teacher for an interesting lesson or a friend for buying you lunch.

Personally, I plan to write on the my favourite chain store of late, for altering recipe's (making them so much more delicious), great prices and friendly service. This way the boss rewards it's employee's for their great work and I get the sense of satisfaction knowing that the staff who have made my culinary experience more pleasurable are getting their just recognition.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Work work work.

So, I think I have a job? The interviewing process consisted of me handing in my resume, now I've got a shift tomorrow morning to run through all the machines/get acquainted with the store. 
What is this mystery store you ask? It's a humble dry cleaning store, a noble profession indeed. My shift is at 8 tomorrow morning, so I think sleeping now may be a very wise decision.

Suburban living.

Apologies for my inadequate number of posts of late, I'd like to say it's because I've been so busy...but it's not. It's really just getting back into the rudiments of 9-5 living in suburbia; after coming off a week of unexplainable events and amazing people every thing seems so monotonous. Feels a little bit like watching the sunrise in black and white, you know it's the same event but it's missing the warmth and depth that it had in the beginning. I've been having some interesting trains of thought lately, so they may possibly manifest into something worthy to present to the internet.

For example, Monday saw me venture back into school to get a lift; It was the first time I'd been in there since graduation and it was the first day back for many students. I was surprised at how uneasy I felt about being there, it all felt so wrong. I got the overwhelming sense that I no longer belonged in the space, that I was isolated there. I'm still struggling to understand why, as in my head, the thought of going back to visit my school sounds like a great idea.

It's not that I don't have friends there, or that I wasn't in a uniform like everyone else, all I can put it down to is my desire to grow up. However this conflicts with my desire to stay young, see what I'm dealing with now? In this twisted head space of mine there must be some sort of workable medium to which logic still exists, still the search continues.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On repeat. 26/01/11

If you've ever been in love, you've probably felt this song. For me personally it represents a really confusing and stressful time; when ever I sing it I can't help but channel the emotions that I've tied to it. It sort of just popped out of no where and perfectly described the situation, isn't music wonderful like that?

In any case, even if you've never lived the words in this song, it's simply an incredible song.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything you think you know gets thrown out the window and your whole perspective on life and the world is renewed?

I just did.

I can't even begin to tell you how amazing Aussie Made was, I may even go as far to say it was the most fulfilling week (it was 4 days but lets not get technical) of my life. One of the things I must highlight is how my prayers have changed; no longer is it "i pray for this and i pray for that", but it's more like "give me the opportunity to be the answer to people's prayers, speak into my life so that I may speak into others". Sure enough as I ask for opportunity it arises. Had the opportunity to pray for a friend at a party last night who was feeling sick. As I gathered up all my Christian friends, two other girls (who aren't church going) said they wanted to come in to pray as well. I'm praying that this is just the start of seeing ALL my friends saved.

I won't go into all the amazing testimonies that have come from this conference because even now I'm still trying to digest them; I was literally walking around saying "WHAT JUST HAPPENED HERE".I can't explain the stories because they really are miracles, there is no way around it; I try to give it a logical explanation and I fail.
To conclude, I have never before felt so connected to God and I'm ready to start fulfilling the calling placed upon my life. Exciting time people, exciting times.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Well I'm off to the Youth Alive state conference, so it'll be pretty quite here until Thursday/Friday. There will be lots of pictures, revelations and stories to be told once I get back so await tentatively :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I miss.

 It's tough being a hopeless romantic when your single, my heart has always got someone's name on it. I find it quite difficult restraining myself from overblown romantic gestures, with my unique flavour added of course. I would share, but I don't want any fellas out there stealing my ideas. 

Right now I'm wondering if I'm on the right track at all, some days it seems like I'm getting nowhere. But then there's some times when I'm reminded why I fell for this girl in the first place, and it all spins back into perspective. She's seriously the most beautiful girl ever, you actually have no idea how amazing she is. I have never been in complete awe but she makes me weak, without even knowing it. 

She's got to be the one. And if she's not, she's someone's'd just be nice if she was my one.

Arise, shine.

With 3 and a half hours sleep last night, I'm suprised at how much energy I have today. Waking up at 6 to play at Brisbane City Church's Aspley extension is always good fun, and very rewarding. It's easy to do whilst surrounded by such great people. I think I'll tell them that as well.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

On repeat. 15/01/2011.

Glen Hansard, incredible man, beautiful singer, talented song writer, all round good guy. He started out as a simple street busker, humbly honing his craft; and is now one of the largest names in his home of Ireland as frontman of the band The Frames.