It's amazing how good you feel preforming random acts of kindness, not even necessarily large acts, just being alert to others needs. I encourage you to take advantage of this dreary weather to brighten up someone's day, for example, despite all the recent rain some people forget to bring umbrellas with them. Whilst walking into a shopping centre my dad and I noticed a bunch of people who had no way to get to their cars without getting absolutely drenched, with my trusty umbrella in hand I seized the opportunity. All up I think I made about 5 or so escorts, until everyone had gotten to where they needed to be. My shoes and pants got absolutely drenched and I was cold, but my heart felt so warm that it didn't really matter, comments like "chivalry is alive" made it so worth it but just knowing that I saved them a grumpy drive home would have been more than enough.
I don't mean to tell this story to brag or boast, but to give you ideas on how you can be blessings in other peoples lives. I'd love to hear that people went out with the sole intention of walking people to cars in the rain or helping others out, would make me so very happy!
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